Home Page

Community Links

Cysylltiadau Cymunedol


At Capcoch Primary School, we value the importance of developing strong links between the school and local, regional, national and international communities. Through visits, assemblies, concerts and special events, we involve our pupils in the local community, so that they learn how to participate in a practical way in the life and concerns of their neighbourhood and communities.


Working with parents, local residents, the business community, public services, and voluntary services teaches the children to become active citizens.


Capcoch Primary School is not a building in isolation, but is situated within the community of Abercwmboi and surrounding area, which is part of the larger community of Cardiff and Wales.


It is important that Capcoch Primary School, its children, staff and governors are recognised as part of the local, wider and international community.

Here are photographs of some of our community links at Capcoch Primary :-







Useful Links
Cysylltiadau Defnyddiol


Welsh Government


Friends and Neighbours Meeting

Open to all parents, guardians, family members and friends of the school.



Support and advice about nutrition for school children.


Practical tips on helping with children's school work.



The latest and widest range of public service information from the UK government.


SureStart Childcare

Where to find childcare in your area.


Parent's Resources

Articles written by practicing teachers designed to help with the education of your child.


BBC Adult Learning

Lots of information about getting into learning.


Parenting Site

Advice for parents of primary-aged children.



A free website to help develop digital skills.



Estyn is the office of Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education and Training in Wales. They are independent of, but funded by the Welsh Government. The purpose of Estyn is to inspect quality and standards in education and training in Wales.


Norovirus 'Winter Vomiting' Disease

Follow this link to the NHS Choices website designed to help raise awareness of this infectious disease and provide some useful information on symptoms, treatment and prevention.
